Monday, 4 January 2016

Solution to NID-DAT 2015 subjective sample paper - Vaishnavi

Hi all,

I'm Vaishnavi Bodawar!

I have good artistic skills (painting) and I attempted CEED and NID exams last year. I wish to share solutions to few questions of NID-DAT subjective part as asked in sample question paper for your benefit and reference. I hope that this is going to help you at least to some extent.

You can check the question paper here

Question B1

You have to make rotis/puris and have no rolling pan to flatten the dough. State and illustrate four alternate ways, using objects from the kitchen, by which you could make the rotis/puris

Note: I haven't given the statements (or factors whatever it's called), I just gave some illustrations. Hope, you are able to write about it.

Question B2:

My solutions

That's it, although I solved only for two questions, I hope this will give some idea to you.

All the best for your NID attempt !!!